Teen Issues

Why might a teenager need or want the support of a therapist?

Being a teenager can be so exciting and also so confusing and hard. Teens are in a phase of life where they are really exploring their identities and coping with changes to their bodies and minds. Some teens have to learn who they are while also coping with the stress of conflict at school, conflict at home, and even conflict in their own minds. Having a therapist can help teenagers explore themselves in a safe space while giving them a place to learn the positive coping skills that will help them develop into grounded and secure adults.

What sorts of issues do teens struggle with?

Teens struggle with issues relating to their physical health, mental health, and social wellbeing such as:






Understanding their sexuality and gender identity

Family conflict


And more

How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted teens?

Teens and transitional aged youth have had some of their most challenging and formative years severely restricted given the COVID-19 pandemic. We have seen teenagers and adults in early college-aged years experiencing an increase in isolation that has led to a marked increase in distress, anxiety, depression, and OCD symptoms. 

Am I old enough to get therapy with The Hive?

At The Hive Therapy Collective, we are committed to providing the best quality services possible by providing highly individualized care. Since we are currently only providing telehealth services, we do not have a specific age range we are serving. Instead of providing an age range, we will assess upon your contact with our team if your needs can be best served with our current available services. If we believe that you or your child are better served with an in-person therapist or using some other format, we will be sure to provide you with resources and referrals and help you get connected to another colleague who can provide you with the care you need or want.

Reach out to our care team to get started today! ->